

企业文化 Enterprise Culture

企业使命: 以领先的科技水平,助自动化工业提升效率
Leading automation industry to improve efficiency with leading technology level                 

经营方针: 聆听用户的声音推陈出新打造精品
Business policy:Hearing users'voice, sustaining innovations andcreating superiorproducts                 

经营理念: 品质第一、服务至上
Business philosophy:Quality first, service first                 

管理理念: 宏观构架精心部署抓住重点跟踪推进重视细节全面落实
Managementphilosophy:Macrostructure.meticulous deployment,setting priorities,tracking operation,focusing on details and overall implementation                 

质量理念: 以客为尊以质取胜以人为本精益为精
Qualityconcept:Customer first, competing on quality, people first and striving forexcellence                 

Safetyproduction philosophy:People first, safe development                 

企业目标: 创建中国最强最大最好的控制器
Building China's strongest, largest and best controller                 

团队理念: 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。回首昨天,应是问心无愧;面对今天,应是倍加珍惜;望明天,应是信心百倍 !
Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people. Looking back on yesterday, we should have a clear conscience; facing today, we should cherish it more; looking forward to tomorrow, we should have a hundred times confidence!